Contact Us
You can contact our Family Law Team direct on 01782 405630 or 405635. Alternatively, leave a message or call us on 621266
20-22 High Street,
May Bank,
Emergency contact
Remember, in the event of an emergency, one of our solicitors can always visit you at home. Our Family team will offer urgent telephone or zoom appointments during covid.
To contact us, simply fill in the white blanks in the boxes below and our system will generate an email to us with an automatic response to you – we will then make arrangements to contact you at the contact details provided.
If you do not wish us to contact you at your home address please leave alternative contact details such as an email address or just a phone number instead of your home address. If you complete your home address details we shall assume that you are content for us to contact you at that address.
Please do not use this email address for marketing or advertising enquiries since it does not link to the correct person within our team and we will delete your enquiry without response and add your details to our blocked senders lists.