Tripping Claims Again!

In order to succeed with a claim for injuries arising from tripping over a pothole in a badly maintained highway a claimant has to prove that the defect was dangerous, foreseeably so, and that there has been a failure by the relevant highway authority to maintain the surface of the highway because highway authorities have […]

Cycling Injury Claims Review 2016

A keen cyclist was out for an afternoon’s cycle ride on the 3rd July 2011. She was riding on a climbing road through a forest and was involved in an accident with a 4×4 travelling in the opposite direction. She sustained brain injuries and could not give any details about the accident circumstances. The car […]

News March 2010 The RTA Claims Portal

Road Accident Claims – the New System Accelerated Road Traffic Claim Procedure There is to be a radical overhaul of the procedure for handling low value personal injury claims arising out of a road traffic accident where the value of the claim for the injuries is between £1000 and £10,000. The new scheme comes into […]